MDMA Ecstasy Fast Facts

what is MDMA

In 2017, the Food and Drug Administration granted MDMA breakthrough therapy status due to the preliminary evidence of its efficacy in the treatment of PTSD. This status helps expedite the development and review of substances for the treatment of serious conditions. Unlike other recreational drugs such as cocaine and nicotine, which are derived from plants, MDMA or ecstasy is synthesized by altering the structure of the amphetamine molecule. Because of the way it’s made, its purity can vary substantially, and other compounds can be easily combined into the same tablet. This article is purely informational and not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

what is MDMA

Contamination With Other Drugs

what is MDMA

This doesn’t mean you should avoid drinking water when you’re on MDMA. Taking a very high dose can cause an inability to regulate your hydration, so you should make sure you’re drinking water regularly – especially if you’re dancing or exerting yourself. The annual National Survey on Drug Use and Health found that MDMA had been used at least once by 13.1% of people between the ages of 18 and 25, and 6.5% of people age 26 and over.

  • MDMA can produce stimulant effects such as an enhanced sense of pleasure and self-confidence and increased energy.
  • Clinical studies suggest that MDMA may increase the risk of long-term or permanent problems with memory and learning.
  • Users may encounter problems similar to those experienced by amphetamine and cocaine users, including addiction.
  • For that reason, this guide is designed to ensure the safety of those who decide to use the substance.
  • This means that it’s thought to have a high potential to be abused and that it’s not legally considered to have health benefits.

Long-term side effects of MDMA

It was many years after this that MDMA eventually appeared on the streets as a recreational drug. In the 1980s, MDMA showed up in the nightclub and rave scene and its use grew among college students, “yuppies,” and in the gay community. It’s important to note that recreational use is often much more frequent and higher in dose than therapeutic use.

what is MDMA

Learn how MDMA, also known as molly or ecstasy, affects the brain and body, and find treatment for misuse.

Checking pills against user reports online (such as and Pill Reports) is therefore a sensible precaution. Recent research also shows that patients in clinical trials tend to experience an MDMA “afterglow” rather than a comedown, suggesting that pure MDMA alone does not produce these effects. Most adverse side effects can be attributed to adulterated MDMA, or “ecstasy,” which is often mixed with ephedrine, dextromethorphan, bath salts, cocaine, or methamphetamine. 87% of the ecstasy analyzed by the DEA between 2009 and 2013 contained no MDMA and was composed mostly of bath salts. Some people report an unpleasant comedown including feelings of depression and fatigue after a night of heavy MDMA use.

what is MDMA

Other easy ways to improve your sleep quality

what is MDMA

People taking a “normal” dose of pure MDMA report feeling more positive and sociable, less aggressive, more emotionally in tune molly mdma with other people, and more alert. While there is not yet a consensus as to whether MDMA is addictive, using it may have negative consequences. A licensed medical professional can diagnose and help you recover from issues related to MDMA use.

  • MDMA should not be mixed with other drugs, as some combinations can be dangerous.
  • The best way to take MDMA is without any other drug, and with plenty of water if you’re dancing.
  • Snorting MDMA tends to be unpopular, however, because of the bad flavor, potential for nose bleeds (as well as anxiety and palpitations), and the relatively short-lived effects.
  • These are especially beneficial if you have irregular work hours, are jet lagged or need help getting back on to a regular sleep schedule, explains Dr. Vendrame.
  • As the drug is illegal, there is no government regulation over its production.

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